INSIDE THE GREENHOUSE | Re-telling climate change stories

Our Impact

2016 Comedy for Climate Change [Full Video]

Full video of Comedy for the 2016 Comedy for Climate Change event.

Indigenous Women’s Voices Telling a New Story of Energy

Navojo Women's Energy Project, Beth Osnes narrates and the words of Winona Laduke are used to show that our world needs a new story of energy, one told by indigenous women.

2016 Comedy for Climate Change - Introduction

A brief introduction to the Comedy for Climate Change event.

2016 Comedy for Climate Change - Climate change is like…

Humorous video comparing climate change to everyday life as a college student, with musical accompaniment.

2016 Comedy for Climate Change - The 2050 Price is Right!

Lively skit parodying popular gameshow "The Price is Right", playing with the idea of future climatic conditions under current climate change scenarios.

2016 Comedy for Climate Change - Climate change in our everyday life

Stand-up routine dealing with geopolitics in regard to international climate policy and the major players in climate change. Parallels are drawn to real life throughout.

2016 Comedy for Climate Change - Party on the Hill

Climate issues viewed through the lens of the typical CU Boulder party scene. Jokes about polar ice, emissions, and water issues.

2016 Comedy for Climate Change - Presidential D(eb)ating Games

Mother Nature appears as an eligible bachelorette in an homage to The Dating Game, featuring potential presidential candidates. Political comedy.

2016 Comedy for Climate Change - Teach it ‘n preach it’

Snowboarders attempt to grapple with the science behind climate change in this short skit.

2016 Comedy for Climate Change - A Date for Climate

Guest standup routine featuring Beth Osnes as "Climate Change", a problem just looking for someone to show that they care.