INSIDE THE GREENHOUSE | Re-telling climate change stories


Power Dialog: Discussing Colorado's engagement for a clean energy economy in the 21st century

Inside the Greenhouse Exhibit Ready for official SEEC Opening Celebration

Standing Up for Climate: An Experiment with Creative Climate Comedy

Inside the Greenhouse collaborator Max Boykoff gave a keynote talk at the recent #klimagune2015 workshop 'Comunicación de la ciencia del cambio climático: oportunidades y retos' at the Basque Center for Climate Change (BC3).

"Despite a current ban on a ban on public demonstrations the Paris area – and particularly around the Champs-Elysees in central Paris and in Le Bourget through the end of next week (two days after the scheduled end to the Paris round of negotiations) – creative communications on climate change at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP21) this past week have proliferated....

...these expressions in and around COP21 are just a small sampling of those that I’ve seen punctuating the first of two weeks of activities in and around Le Bourget/Paris. And these communications marked ongoing efforts to ‘meet people where they are’ through a variety of modes, methods and perspectives... these spaces, one things is clear: we must be prepared to take communication risks, to potentially make mistakes, and apply imagination in order to come up with new and innovative ways of re-telling climate stories in the twenty-first century."

See our new searchable database for creative works from student compositions, events and interviews from Inside the Greenhouse. This archive was assembled by Inside the Greenhouse 2015 interns Angela Earp and Sara Berkowitz, along with logistical support from CIRES IT guru Matthew Price. Now you can search for compositions by TOPICS, KEYWORDS, LENGTH of composition and AGE RANGE of audience (e.g. best for elementary school-age children).

Check out the collection, utilize them for your classes, community activities and social events!"

Max Boykoff spoke at the University of Navarra in two Spanish-language events November 4th and November 5th in the School of Communication (FCOM). In these talks, Max briefly shared some information about the Inside the Greenhouse project.