INSIDE THE GREENHOUSE | Re-telling climate change stories

ITG Newsletter, Issue #18

Read on for some samplings of our current activities and ongoing commitments

Despite the tragedies surrounding the ongoing coronavirus pandemic as well as human-induced climate change, Inside the Greenhouse (ITG) has managed to pivot into largely online environments in order to continue building momentum and progress for enhanced climate engagement through our work. This challenging Fall 2020 semester has nonetheless been a time where we have continued with our research, teaching, (remote) events and other creative endeavors to continue to 're-tell climate change stories' in compelling and resonant ways.

For example, this past month we have partnered with Green Shoots and Fashion TV to produce content for their sustainable fashion series beginning December 15. Our involvement is being led by ITG intern Presley Church (see ITG newsletter #17 for more about Presley), the first contribution can be seen here.

Read more below on some updates on new research outputs, reflections on our Fall classes, project updates, other announcements and our ITG student/alum spotlight. And check out our website for even more!