Stand Up For Climate Change Comedy Show
Tune in on April 22!
A link for the Comedy Show will be posted at 10am (MDT) on April 22
Chuck Nice is a veteran of stand-up comedy with a rich history in entertainment. For years, Chuck has been busy making a name for himself across all mediums, including radio, television, and the internet. Recently, Chuck was delighted to deliver a TED talk, on the main stage of the Vancouver conference, regarding the unintended consequence of future tech and human interaction. Currently, he is the co-host of Star Talk with Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson on Nat Geo.
Appearances also by:
- Ben Gleib
- Johnny Beehner
- Nicole Conlan
- Manolo Moreno
- Keith Lowell Jensen
- Sasha Stewart
- Alise Morales
- Anne Clark
- Dax Jordan
- Ericson Just
- Christie Buchele
- Milly Tamarez
- Nat Towsen
- Scott Beehner
- Rollie Williams
Also announced will be this year’s winners from the International ITG Comedy & Climate Change Video Competition.
This online offering is an example of something we call, ‘good natured’ comedy,’ which our research shows helps process negative emotions, feeds hope, and sustains climate action. Reversing global warming is a mighty challenge to our survival that requires a steep incline in new behaviors. But like any huge mountain, there’s only one way to get over it. Climate!
Live tweeting will be throughout the day with hashtag #climatecomedy via @boykoff @osnesb & @ITG_ Boulder