INSIDE THE GREENHOUSE | Re-telling climate change stories



Melt is a short film about raising awareness about our disappearing ice glaciers. Two girls exemplify a grassroots campaign and hit the streets to save the glaciers.


This film is a call to action for the divest movement on the University of Colorado campus. The filmmaker explains how the president of the University has millions of CU dollars invested in his own industry, fossil fuels. Students at the university are demanding their money be invested in more clean and sustainable industries.

A Day

This film shows the ways in which we can make small changes that would help the environment. The filmmaker follows a young male who shows different ways of life, one less beneficial to the environment, and one more. At the end, the viewer sees the amount of carbon each way of life produced, which encourages the audience to make positive changes.

50 Shades of Green

This film talks to an environmental studies student and an agricultural specialist about what organic means. The film reveals the truth about our agriculture system and supports local farming.

Sustainable Cities

Sustainable Cities discusses urban farming. It shows New York City's farming scene as well as Denver's. This film educates us on a unique solution to combating climate change.

The Future of Skiing

This film is very thorough about what the future holds for the ski industry. It explains to us how skiing companies are threatened due to the weather, yet create the problem as well. The filmmaker offers realistic solutions to help the skiing industry produce more carbon.

Food For the Future

Food for the Future highlights the ways in which our current agricultural system is flawed. The filmmaker gives everyday solutions for consumers to reduce their carbon footprint.


This film explains how Aquaponics is a great tool to use for a sustainable future. This energy efficient exercise uses fish to grow crops. The film is great to introduce this new and exciting way to produce agriculture.

Simple Energy

In this short film, the producer offers a unique solution to help people reduce their energy consumption. Simple energy offers ideas as to how to interact with energy in a different manner.


This short film is about finding new ways to reduce our carbon footprint. The creator shows her story of using bicycle systems for transportation. Sidonie eventually finds a solution and helps her community implement a bike system.